From 10/15/2024 to 12/14/2024
Buenos Aires, Argentina

Gachi Prieto Arte Contemporáneo inaugurates CAMBRE, an individual exhibition by Juan José Cambre. With unpublished works, the artist continues his obsessive search for a color and its variants, which eventually become a sort of chromatic labyrinth.


According to Sofia Dourron, in a text previously written about Cambre's work, this minicosmos of full and radiant colors contains an endless number of potential possibilities. The plot is revealed as the last vestige of remote landscapes, a solid and singular element of a painting stripped of all material excess, pure time, color and surface.


Maurice Blanchot says in The Literary Space, part of the exhibition space text: “However, the work - the work of art, the literary work - is neither finished nor unfinished: it is. The only thing it says is that: that it is. And nothing else. Beyond that, it is nothing. Whoever wants to make it express something else, finds nothing; he finds that it expresses nothing.”

Juan José Cambre (Buenos Aires, Argentina, 1948) graduated as an architect in 1974 from the University of Buenos Aires. He attended Luis Felipe Noé's studio and in 1976 he had his first solo exhibition at the Lirolay Gallery. In 1981 he won the First Prize for Painting at the Salón Municipal Manuel Belgrano and a scholarship to live in New York the following year. In the 80's he participated in the group La Nueva Imagen, with whom he was part of the group sent to the San Pablo Biennial in 1985. In 1993 he received the First Amalia Lacroze de Fortabat Award.


Between 1993 and 1995 he painted murals for 19 branches of the Credit Lyonnais Bank. He was a member of the PROA Foundation as a member and is vice-president of the NGO Estación Pringles. He has also worked in the scenography of numerous plays and operas, as well as art director in the film “El cielo del centauro” by Hugo Santiago. In 2008 he presented the book Cambre, a compilation of his works to date by Ediciones Vasari. In 2016 he was included in the selection of artists that integrates the book Vitamin P3 by Phaidon editions.


CAMBRE. Exhibition by Juan José Cambre.


Until December 14, 2024.


Gachi Prieto Art Gallery. Uriarte 1373, city of Buenos Aires, Argentina.

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