
Showers of Chromatic Induction, 2009. Plexiglas, 82.7 in in height, 35.4 in. in diameter. Courtesy of La Cometa Gallery. Duchas de inducción cromática, 2009. Plexiglás, 210 cm. altura, 90 cm. diámetro. Cortesía: Galería La Cometa.

Together with Jesús Rafael Soto and Alejandro Otero, Carlos Cruz- Diez is considered one of the precursors of the Kinetic Movement that developed in Paris between the 50s and the 60s,

By Camilo Chico Triana

Carlos Cruz-Diez

By Camilo Chico Triana

Together with Jesús Rafael Soto and Alejandro Otero, Carlos Cruz- Diez is considered one of the precursors of the Kinetic Movement that developed in Paris between the 50s and the 60s,

June 24, 2011
Exhibition at the Museo de Arte del Banco de la República. Bogotá – Colombia. Exposición en el Museo de Arte del Banco de la República. Bogotá – Colombia

The Museo de Arte del Banco de la República is presenting a retrospective exhibition of the work of León Ferrari.

By Camilo Chico Triana

León Ferrari

By Camilo Chico Triana

The Museo de Arte del Banco de la República is presenting a retrospective exhibition of the work of León Ferrari.

June 24, 2011
Untitled, from the series “Demoliciones”. Photography in black and white, handpainted / Courtesy: Fernell Franco Foundation. Sin título, de la serie “Demoliciones”. Fotografía en blanco y negro pintada a mano / Cortesía: Fundación Fernell Franco.

Photography in Colombia began to receive recognition only when Fernell Franco (1942-2006) obtained the top prize in his category at the 26th National Salon of Visual Arts in 1976, with his photo Interior.

By Camilo Chico Triana

Fernell Franco

By Camilo Chico Triana

Photography in Colombia began to receive recognition only when Fernell Franco (1942-2006) obtained the top prize in his category at the 26th National Salon of Visual Arts in 1976, with his photo Interior.

June 22, 2011
The Public Speaker, 2009. Oil on canvas, 60 x 60 in.//Óleo sobre tela, 152,4 x 152,4 cm. Courtesy/Cortesía Milagros Bello Curator’s Voice, Miam

Rosario Rivera-Bond (Santo Domingo, 1952) studied at L‘Académie de la Grande Chaumière, Paris, France and at the Camden Art Center, London, England (1975-79), during which period she also studied and lived in Paris, Florence, London and New York.

By Amable López Meléndez

Rosario Bond

By Amable López Meléndez

Rosario Rivera-Bond (Santo Domingo, 1952) studied at L‘Académie de la Grande Chaumière, Paris, France and at the Camden Art Center, London, England (1975-79), during which period she also studied and lived in Paris, Florence, London and New York.

June 22, 2011
Nuestra señora de las iguanas/ Our lady of the lizards), 1979. Juchitán, Mexico, 1979

From April 2 to June 19, the Museum of Modern Art is presenting what has been considered Graciela Iturbide’s first retrospective show in Mexico, under the fine curatorship of Marta Dahó and sponsored by MAPFRE Foundation.

By Juan Antonio Molina Cuesta

Graciela Iturbide

By Juan Antonio Molina Cuesta

From April 2 to June 19, the Museum of Modern Art is presenting what has been considered Graciela Iturbide’s first retrospective show in Mexico, under the fine curatorship of Marta Dahó and sponsored by MAPFRE Foundation.

June 22, 2011
Object #1, “Content” series, 2010. Acrylic/ Object. Dimensions: Variable. Courtesy of the artist Objeto #1, serie “Content”, 2010. Acrílico/Objeto. Dimensiones variables. Cortesía del artista.

In Content, Andrés Michelena’s exhibition at Hardcore Contemporary Space, the emptiness that prevails in the space makes slowness and contemplative silence a requisite for the tour of the show.

By Adriana Herrera Téllez

Andrés Michelena

By Adriana Herrera Téllez

In Content, Andrés Michelena’s exhibition at Hardcore Contemporary Space, the emptiness that prevails in the space makes slowness and contemplative silence a requisite for the tour of the show.

June 22, 2011

A new solo show by Graciela Sacco was presented at Diana Lowenstein Fine Arts.

By José Antonio Navarrete

Graciela Sacco

By José Antonio Navarrete

A new solo show by Graciela Sacco was presented at Diana Lowenstein Fine Arts.

June 22, 2011
Archetype Vizcaya. Provisional Space (Day Blooming Jasmine) Espacio Provisional (Day Blooming Jasmine)

As part of the Contemporary Art Project (CAP) program, the Vizcaya Museum presented “Archetype Vizcaya”, an exhibition by Cuban-American artist Ernesto Oroza.

By Janet Batet

Ernesto Oroza

By Janet Batet

As part of the Contemporary Art Project (CAP) program, the Vizcaya Museum presented “Archetype Vizcaya”, an exhibition by Cuban-American artist Ernesto Oroza.

June 22, 2011
Flea Ensemble. Rainforest IV, by/por David Tudor. The Wolfsonian Museum, March 4 2011 Photography/Fotografía: Luis Olazábal

SUBTROPICS XXI, the latest edition of the Experimental Biennial of Music and Sound Art, which has been organized since its inception by the sound artist Gustavo Matamoros.

By José Antonio Navarrete

FLEA Ensemble

By José Antonio Navarrete

SUBTROPICS XXI, the latest edition of the Experimental Biennial of Music and Sound Art, which has been organized since its inception by the sound artist Gustavo Matamoros.

June 22, 2011
General view of/Vista general de Inside Out. Photography after Form: Selections from the Ella Fontanals-Cisneros Collection. Courtesy/Cortesía Cisneros Fontanals Art Foundation. Photo/fotografía: Vieri Tomaselli

This International photography exhibit based on the Ella Fontanals-Cisneros Collection was featured as part of the exhibitions program revolving around Art Basel Miami 2010.

By José Antonio Navarrete

Inside Out, Photography after Form: Selections from the Ella Fontanals-Cisneros Collection

By José Antonio Navarrete

This International photography exhibit based on the Ella Fontanals-Cisneros Collection was featured as part of the exhibitions program revolving around Art Basel Miami 2010.

June 22, 2011
Nicolás Consuegra. El Dorado, 2010-2011, Bronze with gold plating, 4 1/2 x 12 1/4 x 4 in. Bronce con baño de oro, 11,4 x 31 x 10 cm.

Jaime Ávila, Barbarita Cardozo, Nicolás Consuegra, Miler Lagos, and the artist duo Magle compose the group of artists who participate in the exhibition “Resurfaced: Colombian Art”.

By Laura Bardier

Resurfaced: Contemporary Colombian Art

By Laura Bardier

Jaime Ávila, Barbarita Cardozo, Nicolás Consuegra, Miler Lagos, and the artist duo Magle compose the group of artists who participate in the exhibition “Resurfaced: Colombian Art”.

June 22, 2011
General view of the exhibition. Courtesy Nohra Haime Gallery Vista general de la exposición. Cortesía de Galería Nohra Haime.

From March 15 to April 23 Nohra Haime gallery staged the exhibition “Fin de siècle” , a solo show by Hugo Bastidas, an artist born in Quito.

By Laura Bardier

Hugo Bastidas

By Laura Bardier

From March 15 to April 23 Nohra Haime gallery staged the exhibition “Fin de siècle” , a solo show by Hugo Bastidas, an artist born in Quito.

June 22, 2011
Esperanza Mayobre Colirio (Eyedrop), 2004. Mixed Media. 7ft. x 12ft. x 24in. Installation view. Técnica mixta, 213,3 x 365,7 x 61 cm. Vista de La instalación.

The exhibition “Prolonged Engagement”, a group show that gathered together artists who create aesthetic conditions rather than isolated art objects, takes its name from the traditional models of ethnography.

By Laura Bardier

Prolonged Engagement

By Laura Bardier

The exhibition “Prolonged Engagement”, a group show that gathered together artists who create aesthetic conditions rather than isolated art objects, takes its name from the traditional models of ethnography.

June 22, 2011
Surrender (Flatiron), 2011. Neon, wood, paint, Plexiglas, mirror, one-way mirror and electric energy. 22 3/4 x 49 3/4 x 6 1/2 in. Edition of 3. Neón, madera, pintura, Plexiglas, espejo, espejo unidireccional y energía eléctrica, 57,8 x 126,4 x 16,5 cm. Edición de 3.

Heaven or Las Vegas is a spectacularly striking exhibition at the Paul Kasmin Gallery where ten wall and two floor sculptures occupy the three galleries.

By Julia P. Herzberg, Ph.D.

Iván Navarro

By Julia P. Herzberg, Ph.D.

Heaven or Las Vegas is a spectacularly striking exhibition at the Paul Kasmin Gallery where ten wall and two floor sculptures occupy the three galleries.

June 22, 2011
Grease, soap, banana skins, 9.8 in. in diameter, approx. Grasa, jabón, cáscara de plátano, 2006. 25 cm de diámetro, aprox.

Wilfredo Prieto (Sancti-Spíritus, Cuba, 1978) is a name not unrelated to the reality of the most select circuits of today’s artistic map. Indeed, if pressed, I would say, and it would not be a novelty, that he is one of the most promising figures of contemporary Latin American art.

By Álvaro de Benito Fernández

Wilfredo Prieto

By Álvaro de Benito Fernández

Wilfredo Prieto (Sancti-Spíritus, Cuba, 1978) is a name not unrelated to the reality of the most select circuits of today’s artistic map. Indeed, if pressed, I would say, and it would not be a novelty, that he is one of the most promising figures of contemporary Latin American art.

June 20, 2011

To talk about Anna María Maiolino (Scalea, Italy, 1942) is to talk about one of the essential voices and languages in Brazilian contemporary art, a necessary element to understand the evolution of artistic experimentation of the productive 1960s and fundamental to understand its later development.

By Álvaro de Benito Fernández

Anna María Maiolino

By Álvaro de Benito Fernández

To talk about Anna María Maiolino (Scalea, Italy, 1942) is to talk about one of the essential voices and languages in Brazilian contemporary art, a necessary element to understand the evolution of artistic experimentation of the productive 1960s and fundamental to understand its later development.

June 20, 2011
Scene from the Banquet for the materialization of a happening for a dead wild boar, 2010. Escena del Banquete de materialización del happening para un jabalí difunto, 2010.

Among the latest challenges posed by the RSNAM directors is “El deseo nace del derrumbe” (“Desire is born from collapse”), an interesting proposal which materializes the ambitious attempt of the Madrid museum, by way of a retrospective exhibition, to classify, agglutinate and interpret the work of multidisciplinary sociologist and artist Roberto Jacoby.

By Álvaro de Benito Fernández

Roberto Jacoby

By Álvaro de Benito Fernández

Among the latest challenges posed by the RSNAM directors is “El deseo nace del derrumbe” (“Desire is born from collapse”), an interesting proposal which materializes the ambitious attempt of the Madrid museum, by way of a retrospective exhibition, to classify, agglutinate and interpret the work of multidisciplinary sociologist and artist Roberto Jacoby.

June 20, 2011
Edunia, (from the “Natural History of the Enigma” series), 2003/2008, Flower. Transgenic combination with the artist’s DNA. Dimensions variable. Artist’s Collection. Flor. Combinación transgénica con el ADN del artista. Dimensiones variables. Colección del artista.

Bio-art is one of the most recent trends developed by contemporary art, and its particularity is that it adopts biotechnology as a medium.

By Patricia Avena Navarro

Eduardo Kac

By Patricia Avena Navarro

Bio-art is one of the most recent trends developed by contemporary art, and its particularity is that it adopts biotechnology as a medium.

June 20, 2011
Three Women, 2010. Photographies, projectors and tripods. Variable dimensions. Courtesy the Artist and Kamel Mennour, Paris. Tres mujeres, 2010. Fotografías, proyectores y trípodes. Dimensiones variables. Cortesía del artista y Kamel Mennour, París.

For many years now, even before political art had become fashionable, Alfredo Jaar (1956, Santiago,Chile) has been investigating the nature of images and the place the African Continent occupies in the world.

By Patricia Avena Navarro

Alfredo Jaar

By Patricia Avena Navarro

For many years now, even before political art had become fashionable, Alfredo Jaar (1956, Santiago,Chile) has been investigating the nature of images and the place the African Continent occupies in the world.

June 20, 2011
Family of tailors. La Paz Bolivia, 2010. Lambda print, hand retouching, 46.4 x 61.8 in. Familia de sastres /Impresión sobre papel Lambda retocada a mano, 118 x 157 cm.

“Tierra en Trance” is the suggestive and evocative title of the first retrospective in France of the Argentine artist Marcos López (Santa Fe, 1958). The exhibition makes reference to a famous film by Glauber Rocha, a master of Brazilian “cinema novo”, which combines political themes with mythical and folkloric elements

By Patricia Avena Navarro

Marcos López

By Patricia Avena Navarro

“Tierra en Trance” is the suggestive and evocative title of the first retrospective in France of the Argentine artist Marcos López (Santa Fe, 1958). The exhibition makes reference to a famous film by Glauber Rocha, a master of Brazilian “cinema novo”, which combines political themes with mythical and folkloric elements

June 18, 2011
Allora & Calzadilla. Photograph by/Fotografía de Marion Vogel, 2008.

In the course of their joint artistic career, Jennifer Allora & Guillermo Calzadilla have developed a solid and versatile body of work based on a permanent and often bold research involving the formal aspects as well as the materials, resources and language procedures present in their proposals.

By José Antonio Navarrete

Allora & Calzadilla

By José Antonio Navarrete

In the course of their joint artistic career, Jennifer Allora & Guillermo Calzadilla have developed a solid and versatile body of work based on a permanent and often bold research involving the formal aspects as well as the materials, resources and language procedures present in their proposals.

June 17, 2011
Situação T/T,1 [Situation T/T, 1] 1970. Record-photos: color slides, 11.8 x 17.7 in. Materials: cables, meat, blood, bones....etc. Collection: Instituto Inhotim, Brumadinho Record-Photo by César Carneiro Situación T/T,1, 1970. Registro fotográfico: diapositivas color, 30 x 45 cm. Materiales: cables, carne, sangre, huesos, etc. Registro fotográfíco: César Carneiro Colección Instituto Inhotim, Brumadinho.

Over the course of the 1960s, the human body progressively became established as a privileged field for the actions of Brazilian artists.

By Jacopo Crivelli Visconti (São Paulo)

Artur Barrio

By Jacopo Crivelli Visconti (São Paulo)

Over the course of the 1960s, the human body progressively became established as a privileged field for the actions of Brazilian artists.

June 04, 2011
The Garden of Mistrust, 2003-2005. Aluminum, surveillance cameras and projectors, 157 x 71 in. Installation view (detail) Ellipse Foundation, Portugal, Spain. Images courtesy AlonsoArt, Photographer Gory. El jardín de la desconfianza, 2003-2005. Aluminio, cámaras de vigilancia y proyectores, 398,8 x 180,3 cm.. Vista de la instalación (detalle) Fundación Ellipse, Portugal, España.. Imágenes cortesía de AlonsoArt, fotógrafo Gory.

In the work of Alexandre Arrechea –who will be representing Cuba in the 54th Venice Biennial − perspicacity, the meaning of which is “keen eyesight, acuteness of perception, discernment, or understanding,” defines a relationship with power in which the artist systematically resorts to humor as a strategy that leads him to hesitate just enough to discern its fissures and shake its hegemonic structures.

By Adriana Herrera Téllez

Alexandre Arrechea

By Adriana Herrera Téllez

In the work of Alexandre Arrechea –who will be representing Cuba in the 54th Venice Biennial − perspicacity, the meaning of which is “keen eyesight, acuteness of perception, discernment, or understanding,” defines a relationship with power in which the artist systematically resorts to humor as a strategy that leads him to hesitate just enough to discern its fissures and shake its hegemonic structures.

June 02, 2011
The Geographers, 2010. Oil on canvas mounted on panel, 59 x 59 in. © Guillermo Muñoz Vera, courtesy of Forum Gallery, New York. Óleo sobre lienzo montado sobre panel de madera, 150 x 150 cm. © Guillermo Muñoz Vera, courtesy of Forum Gallery, New York.

Probably the most significant item in this striking new series of paintings by Guillermo Muñoz Vera is the canvas called Los Geógrafos. It is a complex composition, which shows the artist’s virtuoso powers of realistic representation at full stretch.

By Edward Lucie-Smith

Guillermo Muñoz Vera

By Edward Lucie-Smith

Probably the most significant item in this striking new series of paintings by Guillermo Muñoz Vera is the canvas called Los Geógrafos. It is a complex composition, which shows the artist’s virtuoso powers of realistic representation at full stretch.

June 01, 2011
Color making machine (eight-movement suite), 2010. Light projection. Shown at the exhibition “Theories”. Recoleta Cultural Center. Máquina de hacer color (suite para ocho movimientos), 2010. Proyección de luz. Dentro del marco de la muestra “Teorías”. Centro Cultural Recoleta.

Karina Peisajovich’s dazzling and surprising light interventions construct spaces and speculate about their perceptive possibilities; they address concerns associated to vision, to the direct relationship between the image and the eye.


Karina Peisajovich

Karina Peisajovich’s dazzling and surprising light interventions construct spaces and speculate about their perceptive possibilities; they address concerns associated to vision, to the direct relationship between the image and the eye.

June 01, 2011
Marta Minujín

The well-deserved retrospective of Marta Minujin’s (Buenos Aires, 1943) work at the MALBA, brought to the forefront the artist’s popularity and her complex artistic production, which revolves mainly around massive participation by the public and the alteration of perceptions, the modification of the environment, and the creation of a popular art.

By Victoria Verlichak

Marta Minujín

By Victoria Verlichak

The well-deserved retrospective of Marta Minujin’s (Buenos Aires, 1943) work at the MALBA, brought to the forefront the artist’s popularity and her complex artistic production, which revolves mainly around massive participation by the public and the alteration of perceptions, the modification of the environment, and the creation of a popular art.

April 12, 2011
Antonio Berni. Ramona en el cabaret, 1973. Oil and collage on board, 81.9 x 48,4 in. Óleo y collage sobre madera, 208 x 123 cm. Courtesy/Cortesía Galería Sur, Punta del Este.

Jorge and Martín Castillo, of Galería Sur, made the opening of the exhibition The 60s and Pop: Politics and Sensuality coincide with the reception in honor of the directors of the prestigious international fair, who visited Punta del Este for the first time.

By Victoria Verlichak

The 60s and Pop

By Victoria Verlichak

Jorge and Martín Castillo, of Galería Sur, made the opening of the exhibition The 60s and Pop: Politics and Sensuality coincide with the reception in honor of the directors of the prestigious international fair, who visited Punta del Este for the first time.

April 12, 2011
The Other Side, 2010. Wood panel with metal figurine. 14 x 11 x 1 1⁄2 inches.

“They are visual commentaries that make reference to the human condition. What interests me is the simultaneity of humor and affliction, the banal and the possibility of meaning that may be found behind the works,” Liliana Porter (Buenos Aires, 1941) comments in relation to her exhibition at Galería del Paseo.

By Victoria Verlichak

Liliana Porter

By Victoria Verlichak

“They are visual commentaries that make reference to the human condition. What interests me is the simultaneity of humor and affliction, the banal and the possibility of meaning that may be found behind the works,” Liliana Porter (Buenos Aires, 1941) comments in relation to her exhibition at Galería del Paseo.

April 12, 2011
Paisaje/Ficcion 12-05, 2010. Photography. 33.46 x 12.59 inches. Fotografia, 85 x 32 cms.

The work of Sachiyo Nishimura (1978) expands the notion of the photographic under abstract-minimalist strategies that disrupt, in turn, the notion of the real.

By Carolina Lara B.

Sachiyo Nishimura

By Carolina Lara B.

The work of Sachiyo Nishimura (1978) expands the notion of the photographic under abstract-minimalist strategies that disrupt, in turn, the notion of the real.

April 12, 2011
Roxana Butazzoni. Vuelta en bici o los dos regalos, 2007. DVD, monochannel video, color, sound/DVD, video monocanal, color, sonido. Mariela Scafatii. Teatro de lo ausente. Rastros de una fábula que pasó, 2010. Installation/Instalación. Marcela Astorga. Sin título, 2008. Cotton fabric and stainless steel/Tela de algodón y acero inoxida- ble. Dimensions variable/Medidas variables. Marina de Caro. Hilos de voz de una cascada escondida, 2008. Installation (painting on cutout paper, yarn, wool /Instalación (pintura sobre papel recortado, hilo y lana). Dimensions variable/Medidas variables.

Rather than revealing a point of view on the current Argentine art scene, Palmario introduces us into a universe shared by a curator and artist –Ana Gallardo– and the group of artists belonging to different generations that she convened

By Carolina Lara B.


By Carolina Lara B.

Rather than revealing a point of view on the current Argentine art scene, Palmario introduces us into a universe shared by a curator and artist –Ana Gallardo– and the group of artists belonging to different generations that she convened

April 12, 2011
Interceptions of Reflection, 2009. Sieve netting, 35.4 x 106.3 in. Photograph: Jacinto González Salcedo. Intercepciones del reflejo, 2009. Malla de cedazo, 90 x 270 cm. Fotografía: Jacinto González Salcedo

Giambattista Vico (Naples, Italy, 1688-1744) in his book of 1725, The New Science or Principles of a New Science Regarding the Common Nature of Nations, opposed the criteria of rationalism, in particular the Cartesian destruction based on clear and distinct ideas, as the sole means to know the truth.

By Beatriz Sogbe

Jonidel Mendoza

By Beatriz Sogbe

Giambattista Vico (Naples, Italy, 1688-1744) in his book of 1725, The New Science or Principles of a New Science Regarding the Common Nature of Nations, opposed the criteria of rationalism, in particular the Cartesian destruction based on clear and distinct ideas, as the sole means to know the truth.

April 12, 2011
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