
Cover of Mateo López’s book, Deriva Tapa del libro de Mateo López, Deriva

In Mateo López’s oeuvre, drawing and its three dimensional projections are analogous to the hand that gropingly explores the world, spreading out into lines over the space with a playfulness that evokes Plato’s Myth of the Cave.



In Mateo López’s oeuvre, drawing and its three dimensional projections are analogous to the hand that gropingly explores the world, spreading out into lines over the space with a playfulness that evokes Plato’s Myth of the Cave.

November 07, 2010
Carlos Cruz-Diez in Conversation with /en conversación con Ariel Jiménez, de la serie CONVERSACIONES/CONVERSATIONS. Fundación Cisneros, Colección Patricia Phelps de Cisneros."

Carlos Cruz-Diez in conversation with Ariel Jiménez is the title of the first of a series of books included in an important editorial project conceived by the Cisneros Foundation, aimed at enriching the history under construction of Latin American art through a valuable resource that has been over looked by critics: the unreplaceable dialogue with the artist.



Carlos Cruz-Diez in conversation with Ariel Jiménez is the title of the first of a series of books included in an important editorial project conceived by the Cisneros Foundation, aimed at enriching the history under construction of Latin American art through a valuable resource that has been over looked by critics: the unreplaceable dialogue with the artist.

November 07, 2010
Villa miseria en el fondo del mar, 2010. Synthetic enamel on panel, 39.4 x 59 in. Courtesy Zavaleta Lab. Villa miseria en el fondo del mar, 2010. Esmalte sintético sobre panel. 100 x 150 cm. Cortesía Zavaleta Lab.

In search of new images, Marcelo Pombo reached “The Depths of the Sea” (“Lo profundo del mar”) the title of his latest exhibition , and this is the origin of the works he is currently showing at Zavaleta Lab.

By Ana María Martínez Quijano

Marcelo Pombo

By Ana María Martínez Quijano

In search of new images, Marcelo Pombo reached “The Depths of the Sea” (“Lo profundo del mar”) the title of his latest exhibition , and this is the origin of the works he is currently showing at Zavaleta Lab.

November 07, 2010
Maqueta de poliedros, 2010. Gesso, dimensions variable/Yeso, dimensiones variables. Courtesy/Cortesía Casas Riegner Gallery / Photo/Foto: Oscar Monsalve.

Between 12 August and 2 October, 2010, Casas Riegner Gallery, Bogotá is hosting the exhibition “Rosario López: lo informe y el límite” (Rosario López: the shapeless and the limit), in which the Colombian artist presents her most recent production.

By Halim Badawi

Rosario López

By Halim Badawi

Between 12 August and 2 October, 2010, Casas Riegner Gallery, Bogotá is hosting the exhibition “Rosario López: lo informe y el límite” (Rosario López: the shapeless and the limit), in which the Colombian artist presents her most recent production.

November 07, 2010
Miguel Ángel Rojas. David, 2005. Digital print, 78.7 x 39.4 in. Courtesy of the artist. Impresión digital, 200 x 100 cm. Cortesía del artista.

From 11 August through 27 October, 2010, the Mint of the Bank of the Republic is hosting the temporary exhibition “Re(cámaras): Espacios para una fotografía extendida”, curated by María Wills Londoño.

By Halim Badawi

Re(cámaras): Espacios para una fotografía extendida.

By Halim Badawi

From 11 August through 27 October, 2010, the Mint of the Bank of the Republic is hosting the temporary exhibition “Re(cámaras): Espacios para una fotografía extendida”, curated by María Wills Londoño.

November 07, 2010
Tres versiones, 1966. Tempera grassa on glass veil with tarp and reinforced polyester support, 59 x 177in. /Temple graso s/velo de vidrio con soporte de lona y poliéster reforzado, 150 x 450 cm. Museo de la Solidaridad Salvador Allende (Chile).

Social and artistic memory in Juan Carlos Distéfano. Obras 1958- 2010, the wonderful exhibition featuring more than 70 works by the remarkable Juan Carlos Distéfano (Buenos Aires, 1933), held at the Art Space of the OSDE Foundation in Buenos Aires.

By Victoria Verlichak

Juan Carlos Distéfano

By Victoria Verlichak

Social and artistic memory in Juan Carlos Distéfano. Obras 1958- 2010, the wonderful exhibition featuring more than 70 works by the remarkable Juan Carlos Distéfano (Buenos Aires, 1933), held at the Art Space of the OSDE Foundation in Buenos Aires.

November 07, 2010
Beatriz Sogbe

The exhibition of photographies by brothers Graziano and Paolo Gasparini, entitled “2 x Gasparini” takes us back to two visions of contemporary Venezuelan photography.

By Beatriz Sogbe

Paolo Gasparini

By Beatriz Sogbe

The exhibition of photographies by brothers Graziano and Paolo Gasparini, entitled “2 x Gasparini” takes us back to two visions of contemporary Venezuelan photography.

November 04, 2010
Untitled, 2010. Collage of postcards on paper, signed on verso; 5.1 x 2.4 in. Sin título, 2010; 13 x 6 cm. Collage de postales s/papel; firmada dorso. Courtesy Galería Carmen Araujo Arte.

The title of this exhibition is somewhat disconcerting. Luis Lizardo (Venezuela, Caracas, 1956) is showing his recent work in the framework of the old coffeee drying patios of the Hacienda La Trinidad, in Caracas.

By Beatriz Sogbe

Luis Lizardo

By Beatriz Sogbe

The title of this exhibition is somewhat disconcerting. Luis Lizardo (Venezuela, Caracas, 1956) is showing his recent work in the framework of the old coffeee drying patios of the Hacienda La Trinidad, in Caracas.

November 04, 2010
Proof 2010-I (from the series “Std. Color”); 2010. Paint on corrugated cardboard; 14,7 x 18.3 in. Photo: Juan José Olavarría. Prueba 2010-I (de la serie Std. Color); año 2010; pintura sobre cartón corrugado; medidas: 37,5 x 46,5 cm. Courtesy, Fotografia Juan Jose Olavarria

The story of carmine red is associated to sex, violence and political struggles. Also to war and drama. The humble cochineal (Dactylopius coccus) that produces it was always alien to the passions it generated. I

By Beatriz Sogbe

Domingo de Lucía

By Beatriz Sogbe

The story of carmine red is associated to sex, violence and political struggles. Also to war and drama. The humble cochineal (Dactylopius coccus) that produces it was always alien to the passions it generated. I

November 04, 2010
The Scarecrow, 2009. Mixed media on can- vas, re tela, 73.2 x 61.4 in. Courtesy Alinka Arte Contemporáneo. La Espantapájaros, 2009. Mixta sobre tela, 186 x 156 cm. Cortesía: Alinka Arte Contemporáneo

“De Cuba Nelson Domínguez: Pintura, escultura, dibujo y grabados” (“From Cuba Nelson Domínguez: Painting, sculpture, drawing and engraving”), the first solo show of this great Cuban artist in the Dominican Republic, ran from mid-June to the end of September at the welcoming spaces of Alinka Arte Contemporáneo.

By Amable López Meléndez

Nelson Domínguez

By Amable López Meléndez

“De Cuba Nelson Domínguez: Pintura, escultura, dibujo y grabados” (“From Cuba Nelson Domínguez: Painting, sculpture, drawing and engraving”), the first solo show of this great Cuban artist in the Dominican Republic, ran from mid-June to the end of September at the welcoming spaces of Alinka Arte Contemporáneo.

November 04, 2010
Sombra sobre linea 3, 2010. Vinyl and 9 mm. glass, 63 x 82,7 x 7,8 in. Courtesy OMR Gallery. Vinil y vidrio de 9 mm. 160 x 210 x 20 cm. Cortesía: galería OMR.

In José Dávila’s one-person exhibition at OMR Gallery in Mexico City, Ningún donde puede ser aquí a title inspired by the expression “Nowhere can be there".

By Adriana Herrera

José Dávila

By Adriana Herrera

In José Dávila’s one-person exhibition at OMR Gallery in Mexico City, Ningún donde puede ser aquí a title inspired by the expression “Nowhere can be there".

November 04, 2010
Partial view of the exhibition/Vista parcial de la muestra “Sesera”. Four in One. Oil on canvas, 60 x 109 in. Óleo s/tela, 152 x 276,8 cm. Photo/Foto: Dot Fiftyone Gallery and/y Leslie Gabaldon.

The term ‘sesera’ (brainpan) refers to the part of the skull that encloses the brain and the grey matter itself, while at the same time it also serves to describe the person who acts with prudence and good judgment.

By Janet Batet

José Luis Landet

By Janet Batet

The term ‘sesera’ (brainpan) refers to the part of the skull that encloses the brain and the grey matter itself, while at the same time it also serves to describe the person who acts with prudence and good judgment.

November 01, 2010
Michael Vásquez. Chain Strangle, 2010. Mixed media/técnica mixta, 58 x 84 in. 147 x 213.3 cm. Photo/Foto: Natasha Perdomo

The Miami gallery Fredric Snitzer presented its summer group show, which explores a “macho/masculine” position throughout a wide spectrum ranging from the macho-macho, the peacock, and the gay man or woman, to childhood and the boy-girl relationship.

By Rafael López-Ramos

"Boy, Oh Boy!"

By Rafael López-Ramos

The Miami gallery Fredric Snitzer presented its summer group show, which explores a “macho/masculine” position throughout a wide spectrum ranging from the macho-macho, the peacock, and the gay man or woman, to childhood and the boy-girl relationship.

November 01, 2010
“Papagayos” Series. Installation. Wooden rods, string. Dimensions variable. Courtesy of the artist. Serie “Papagayos”. Instalación: varillas de madera, cordel. Dimensiones variables. Cortesía del artista.

Under the title A Collective Sum, the Wynwood District gallery Ideobox Artspace presented during the past month of April three solo shows.

By Janet Batet

Pepe López

By Janet Batet

Under the title A Collective Sum, the Wynwood District gallery Ideobox Artspace presented during the past month of April three solo shows.

November 01, 2010
Viking Funeral (Carlos Ascurra and Juan Gonzalez) Temporary Arts, 2008/2010. Mixed media and sound. Variable. Installation view. Courtesy of the Artists. Photo by Sid Hoeltzell. Técnica mixta y sonido. Dimensiones variables. Vista de la instalación. Cortesía de los artistas. Foto: Sid Hoeltzell.

New Work Miami 2010, “was conceived as an exuberant salute to Miami’s artistic community, and it will provide a partial snapshot of the Miami art scene at this moment,” according to the press release issued by the Miami Art Museum to promote the exhibit.

By Rafael López-Ramos

New Work Miami 2010

By Rafael López-Ramos

New Work Miami 2010, “was conceived as an exuberant salute to Miami’s artistic community, and it will provide a partial snapshot of the Miami art scene at this moment,” according to the press release issued by the Miami Art Museum to promote the exhibit.

November 01, 2010
Sunflower 2, 1999. Laser-cut metal on wood 48 x 30 x 18 inches. Courtesy of the Artist. Metal cortado a laser s/madera, 122 x 76 x 45,7 cm. Cortesía del artista.

One day, talking with Volf Roitman, he confessed to me that he saw everything in the shape of the geometric forms that the MADI movement had created.

By Carlos M. Luis

Volf Roitman

By Carlos M. Luis

One day, talking with Volf Roitman, he confessed to me that he saw everything in the shape of the geometric forms that the MADI movement had created.

November 01, 2010
Petit Tyrants, 2010. Acrylic on canvas. 42 x 72 in. Petit Tyrants, 2010. Acrílico sobre tela

Painting, as we are taught by Asians, Romantics and Surrealists alike, is valuable insofar as it opens a door to imagination.

By Carlos M. Luis

Liliam Cuenca

By Carlos M. Luis

Painting, as we are taught by Asians, Romantics and Surrealists alike, is valuable insofar as it opens a door to imagination.

November 01, 2010
“Carpeta de los Diez”. Poster/Afiche, Courtesy/Cortesía Galería Vasari

The idea of grouping together was Fred Schiffer’s, and it was inspired by a similar model, an association of photographers formed at the end of the 19th century in London (Linked Ring Brotherhood), but the written pages were kept by Annemarie Heinrich.

By Victoria Verlichak

La carpeta de los diez

By Victoria Verlichak

The idea of grouping together was Fred Schiffer’s, and it was inspired by a similar model, an association of photographers formed at the end of the 19th century in London (Linked Ring Brotherhood), but the written pages were kept by Annemarie Heinrich.

October 19, 2010
Televisor catálogo. 11.8 x 16.8 in./30 x 40 cm. Courtesy/Cortesía Fundación YPF

The ground floor of the tower conceived by César Pelli for YPF is a unique scenario to exhibit Trailer, Nicola Costantino’s most recent production, which consists of five trailers and several bill boards announcing the homonymous short film.

By Julio Sánchez

Nicola Costantino

By Julio Sánchez

The ground floor of the tower conceived by César Pelli for YPF is a unique scenario to exhibit Trailer, Nicola Costantino’s most recent production, which consists of five trailers and several bill boards announcing the homonymous short film.

October 19, 2010
MB#43, 2008. Acrylic on canvas, 39.4 x 59 in. Acrílico sobre tela, 100 x 150 cm.

An architect and urban planner, Leonardo Pellegrini (Argentina, 1969) lives and works in Salta “the beautiful”, as announced in the advertisement that promotes this province, in whose premises in Buenos Aires city the solo show MB # is being held.

By Victoria Verlichak

Leonardo Pellegrini

By Victoria Verlichak

An architect and urban planner, Leonardo Pellegrini (Argentina, 1969) lives and works in Salta “the beautiful”, as announced in the advertisement that promotes this province, in whose premises in Buenos Aires city the solo show MB # is being held.

October 19, 2010
Nudo de autopista, 2007-2010. Photograph, 12.2 x 21.6 in. Fotografía, 31 x 55 cm.

Graciela Hasper’s (Buenos Aires, 1966) interest in addressing the problems of painting has been evident since she began to show her work in 1989.

By Victoria Verlichak

Graciela Hasper

By Victoria Verlichak

Graciela Hasper’s (Buenos Aires, 1966) interest in addressing the problems of painting has been evident since she began to show her work in 1989.

October 19, 2010
La reposición; en cada banco de la clase un niño, o niña visualiza su proyecto sobre una maqueta de yeso, escala 1: 500. 68 x 17 x 15 cm. aprox. Centro Educativo República Mexicana. (registro bitácora 2009). The revival; on each bench in a classroom, a boy or girl visualizes his/her project on a gesso model, scale 1: 500., 26.7 x 6.7 x 5.9 in., approx.

“La enseñanza de la geografía, dos ejercicios” es una obra concebida en proceso, donde la artista se ha relacionado con una historia y una situación de lugar, diseñando actividades y un montaje que buscaron integrar activamente a la comunidad.

By Carola Lara

Alicia Villarreal

By Carola Lara

“La enseñanza de la geografía, dos ejercicios” es una obra concebida en proceso, donde la artista se ha relacionado con una historia y una situación de lugar, diseñando actividades y un montaje que buscaron integrar activamente a la comunidad.

October 19, 2010
Escuchando Elliot Smith. 90 x 100 cm /35.4 x

The series “Fine Tuning VOL. V / La tierra que habla” is inevitably included in a tradition of local landscape and “blot” painting developed from the late 19th century to the preset.

By Carola Lara

Alejandro Quiroga

By Carola Lara

The series “Fine Tuning VOL. V / La tierra que habla” is inevitably included in a tradition of local landscape and “blot” painting developed from the late 19th century to the preset.

October 19, 2010
From the series “Shadows of Modernity”, 2009. Mixed media on canvas, 59 x 78.7 in. 150 x 200 cm. De la serie sombras de la modernidad, 2009. Técnica mixta sobre tela. 150 x 200 cm.

Ismael Frigerio (1955) emerged at the end of the 1970s from a generation of Chilean painters influenced by the transavantgard and Neo-Expressionism.

By Carola Lara

Ismael Frigerio

By Carola Lara

Ismael Frigerio (1955) emerged at the end of the 1970s from a generation of Chilean painters influenced by the transavantgard and Neo-Expressionism.

October 19, 2010
Taza de leche olvidada, 2010. 100% natural, hand-sewn felt, 5.9 x 5.9 x 3.9 in. Fieltro 100% natural y costura a mano. 15 x 15 x 10 cm.

There is a certain “Neo-conceptual” art in Chile that succeeds in reconnecting the aesthetic discourse and the aesthetic experience through craftswork and ordinary, everyday objects, bringing the public into contact with the artwork.

By Carola Lara

Johanna Unzueta

By Carola Lara

There is a certain “Neo-conceptual” art in Chile that succeeds in reconnecting the aesthetic discourse and the aesthetic experience through craftswork and ordinary, everyday objects, bringing the public into contact with the artwork.

October 19, 2010
Forma de Hierro-Colombia. Black and white photograph, 10 x 7.8 in. Fotografía en blanco y negro. 25,4 x 20 cm.

The Comet Gallery presented a small homage exhibition for the photographer Leo Matiz under the title Geometría en Colombia (Geometry in Colombia).

By Juan Pablo Zapata

Leo Matiz

By Juan Pablo Zapata

The Comet Gallery presented a small homage exhibition for the photographer Leo Matiz under the title Geometría en Colombia (Geometry in Colombia).

October 13, 2010
Lázaro Saavedra González. (b. 1964, resides in Cuba) (n. 1964, reside en Cuba) The Sacred Heart (El Sagrado Corazón), 1995 Acrylic on cardboard 16 x 13 in. Acrílico s/cartón, 40,6 x 33 cm.

The exhibition Cuba Avant-Garde: Contemporary Cuban Art from the Farber Collection at the Lowe Art Museum is the first to exhibit in Miami the art of the politically disobedient generation that introduced contemporary art to Cuba in the early 1980s.

By Adriana Herrera

Cuba Avant-Garde: Contemporary Cuban Art from the Farber Collection

By Adriana Herrera

The exhibition Cuba Avant-Garde: Contemporary Cuban Art from the Farber Collection at the Lowe Art Museum is the first to exhibit in Miami the art of the politically disobedient generation that introduced contemporary art to Cuba in the early 1980s.

October 06, 2010
El Cacao. Digital print on RC paper, 57 x 87.4 in. / 59.8 x 90.5 (frame). Ed. 1/5 + 2 ap. Ensayando la Postura Nacional, 2010. Fotografía digital sobre papel RC. 144 x 222 cm. 152 x 230 cm. (marco). Ed. 1/5 + 2 pa.

When at the end of November of 1952, the Supreme Electoral Council of Venezuela suspended the ballot count corresponding to that year’s elections, the country entered a period of authoritarian rule under General Marcos Pérez Jiménez which would last six years.

By Álvaro de Benito Fernández

Alexander Apóstol

By Álvaro de Benito Fernández

When at the end of November of 1952, the Supreme Electoral Council of Venezuela suspended the ballot count corresponding to that year’s elections, the country entered a period of authoritarian rule under General Marcos Pérez Jiménez which would last six years.

October 02, 2010
Flavio de Carvalho. Experiencia No3, 1956. “Nuevo traje de verano para hombres”. Foto B/N. Colección Museo de Arte Brasileiro - FAAP.

Ocasionalmente, el eurocentrismo en el arte ha hecho que se queden atrás, apenas sin analizar al otro lado del océano, algunas de las más interesantes tendencias artísticas fuera del viejo continente.

By Álvaro de Benito Fernández

Drifts and Derivations: Experiences, journeys and morphologies

By Álvaro de Benito Fernández

Ocasionalmente, el eurocentrismo en el arte ha hecho que se queden atrás, apenas sin analizar al otro lado del océano, algunas de las más interesantes tendencias artísticas fuera del viejo continente.

October 02, 2010
Rafael Lozano-Hemmer. Company of Colors (Shadow Box), 2009. Interactive high-resolution screen with integrated digital moni- toring system, 55 x 31.5 x 4.7 in. Pantalla de alta resolución interac- tiva con sistema integrado de seguimiento informatizado. 140 x 80 x 12 cm.

Once again, and for the thirteenth consecutive year, Madrid has been the epicenter of the development of a new edition of the Festival of Photography and Visual Arts, PhotoEspaña 2010.

By Álvaro de Benito Fernández

PhotoEspaña 2010 Different Venues

By Álvaro de Benito Fernández

Once again, and for the thirteenth consecutive year, Madrid has been the epicenter of the development of a new edition of the Festival of Photography and Visual Arts, PhotoEspaña 2010.

October 02, 2010
Mona Lisa after Leonardo da Vinci, 2009. Digital c-print. Courtesy Galerie Xippas “Gordian Puzzles” series. Mona Lisa al modo de Leonardo da Vinci, 2009. Copia color digital. Cortesía Galería Xippas Serie “Rompecabezas Gordianos”.

To offer an overview of the work of the Brazilian artist Vik Muniz may be a complicated task due to the variety of formats and supports he resorts to.

By Patricia Avena-Navarro

Vik Muniz

By Patricia Avena-Navarro

To offer an overview of the work of the Brazilian artist Vik Muniz may be a complicated task due to the variety of formats and supports he resorts to.

October 02, 2010