
Tetralineados Orange, 2010. Courtesy/Cortesía María Carlota Pérez

After years of investigation around bringing to life the forms he creates in a virtual world, Elias Crespin (Caracas, 1965) plays not only with the spatial but also formal and temporal categories of perception.

By María Carlota Pérez

Elías Crespín

By María Carlota Pérez

After years of investigation around bringing to life the forms he creates in a virtual world, Elias Crespin (Caracas, 1965) plays not only with the spatial but also formal and temporal categories of perception.

July 01, 2010
Le Discours qui ne plaît pas, 2009. Gesso, rabbit skin, plastic, 2.3 x 2.9 x 1.2 in. Courtesy 13 Jeannette Mariano Gallery. Yeso, piel de conejo, plástico. 6 x 7,5 x 3 cm. Gentileza Galerie 13 Jeannette Mariani.

Un diminuto hombre que limpia una oreja, una mano que sostie- ne un saquito de té, personajes extraños de siluetas casi abstractas.

By Patricia Avena-Navarro

Sabrina Montiel-Soto

By Patricia Avena-Navarro

Un diminuto hombre que limpia una oreja, una mano que sostie- ne un saquito de té, personajes extraños de siluetas casi abstractas.

July 01, 2010
Hoja elegante, 1998. Silver print, 19.7 x 15.7 in. Courtesy Thessa Herold Gallery. Impresión en lámina de plata, 50 x 40 cm. Cortesía galería Thessa Herold.

Photography should not be shown merely as a physical representation of a being or a thing.

By Patricia Avena-Navarro

Flor Garduño

By Patricia Avena-Navarro

Photography should not be shown merely as a physical representation of a being or a thing.

June 30, 2010
Untitled / Sin título. From The Thite Series (Long Durational performance), 2008. Galería Alcuadrado. Courtesy of The artist and/ Cortesía del artista Galería Alcuadrado. Photo by/Foto: Beatriz Vargas

André Leroi-Gourhan, a specialist in Paleolithic Art, pointed out that “the human act par excellence is perhaps not so much the creation of tools as the domestication of time and space, or, to put it differently, the creation of a human time and space”1.

By Adriana Herrera Téllez

María José Arjona

By Adriana Herrera Téllez

André Leroi-Gourhan, a specialist in Paleolithic Art, pointed out that “the human act par excellence is perhaps not so much the creation of tools as the domestication of time and space, or, to put it differently, the creation of a human time and space”1.

June 21, 2010
Você pode conhecer toda a verdade sobre a guerra mundial, 1976. Envelope/collage, 4.3 x 9 in. Sobre/collage, 11 x 23 cm.

Paulo Bruscky was jailed and interrogated several times during the military regime that dominated Brazil as of 1964.

By Jacopo Crivelli Visconti

Paulo Bruscky

By Jacopo Crivelli Visconti

Paulo Bruscky was jailed and interrogated several times during the military regime that dominated Brazil as of 1964.

June 21, 2010
Drums, 2009. Neon, plywood, metal, one-way mirrors, mirrors, and electrical energy, 48 x 72 x 72 in. Photo: Rodrigo Pereda. Courtesy Galería Distrito Cuatro, Madrid. batería, 2009. Neón, madera prensada, metal, vidrios polarizados, espejos y energía eléctrica, 121,9 x 182,8 x 182,8 cm. Foto: Rodrigo Pereda. Cortesía Galería Distrito Cuatro, Madrid.

Iván Navarro (b. Santiago de Chile, 1972, based in New York) belongs to the generation of Latin American artists who, as of the 1990s, have reelaborated the relationships between modernism and contemporaneity.

By Antonio Arévalo

Iván Navarro

By Antonio Arévalo

Iván Navarro (b. Santiago de Chile, 1972, based in New York) belongs to the generation of Latin American artists who, as of the 1990s, have reelaborated the relationships between modernism and contemporaneity.

June 07, 2010
Structure. (Estructura), 1966. Wood and paint on canvas. 46.8 x 75.6 x 78 in. Madera y pintura sobre tela. 120 x 194 x 200 cm Courtesy / Cortesía: Galería Ruth Benzacar

For several years now, the work of Argentinean artist Alejandro Puente (Buenos Aires, 1933) has been strongly revalued by different sectors within the field of the visual arts.

By Pablo Accinelli

Alejandro Puente

By Pablo Accinelli

For several years now, the work of Argentinean artist Alejandro Puente (Buenos Aires, 1933) has been strongly revalued by different sectors within the field of the visual arts.

May 24, 2010
Spare the rod and spoil the child, 2008. Fluorescent light bulbs, bowling balls. Tubos de neón, bolas de boliche. Courtesy/Cortesía: Magnan Projects, New York

In the 1960s sci-fi writer Philip K. Dick coined the term “kipple” to explain the astonishing ability of household objects to accumulate in piles of unwanted clutter.

By Eva Díaz

Alejandro Almanza Pereda

By Eva Díaz

In the 1960s sci-fi writer Philip K. Dick coined the term “kipple” to explain the astonishing ability of household objects to accumulate in piles of unwanted clutter.

May 21, 2010
Primitive wild, 2007. Acrylic on chipboard. 95.16 x 190.32 in. Primitivo agreste, 2007 Acrílico sobre aglomerado. 244 x 488 cm. Courtesy/Cortesía: Galeria Alberto Sendrós.

The name Matías Duville (Buenos Aires, 1974) started to appear shyly in the Argentine circuit at the beginning of the present decade.

By Eva Grinstein

Matías Duville

By Eva Grinstein

The name Matías Duville (Buenos Aires, 1974) started to appear shyly in the Argentine circuit at the beginning of the present decade.

May 21, 2010
Letter on the Blind, For the Use of Those Who See, 2008. Film still. Carta sobre los ciegos, para uso de los que ven, 2008. Fotograma.

Javier Téllez inscribed his name in the history of contemporary art in Venezuela when he transplanted the sinister atmosphere of a psychiatric institution to the spaces of the Museum of Fine Arts in Caracas.

By Carolina Ledesma

Javier Téllez

By Carolina Ledesma

Javier Téllez inscribed his name in the history of contemporary art in Venezuela when he transplanted the sinister atmosphere of a psychiatric institution to the spaces of the Museum of Fine Arts in Caracas.

May 21, 2010
“Untitled” (Para un hombre en uniforme), 1991. Individually wrapped lollypops in red, white and blue paper (unlimited supply). Dimensions variable depending on installation. Ideal weight 221 pounds. “Sin título” (Para un hombre en uniforme). Chupetines envueltos individualmente en papeles de color rojo, blanco y azul (abastecimiento ilimitado) Dimensiones variables según la instalación. Peso ideal: 100 kg. Collection/Colección: Marieluise Hessel, Hessel Museum of Art, Center of Curatorial Studies, Bard College, Annandale-on-Hudson, New York ©The Felix Gonzalez-Torres Foundation, Courtesy/Cortesía de Andrea Rosen Gallery, New York

In the exhibition of works by Félix González Torres currently on display at the Museum of Latin American Art in Buenos Aires, art merges with life.

By Ana Martínez Quijano

Félix González-Torres

By Ana Martínez Quijano

In the exhibition of works by Félix González Torres currently on display at the Museum of Latin American Art in Buenos Aires, art merges with life.

May 21, 2010
Die Welt, 2008. Series of 145 drawings. Ink on paper. Variable dimensions. Serie de 145 dibujos. Tinta sobre papel. Dimensiones variables. Courtesy/Cortesía: Galerie Barbara Thumm.

Historical truth, for him, is not what has happened; it is what we judge to have happened. Jorge Luis Borges, “Pierre Menard: Author of the Quijote”

By Miriam Basilio **

Fernando Bryce

By Miriam Basilio **

Historical truth, for him, is not what has happened; it is what we judge to have happened. Jorge Luis Borges, “Pierre Menard: Author of the Quijote”

May 21, 2010
Turbulence II. 2008. Wood and automotive paint. 85.8 x 31.2 in. Turbulencia II. 2008. Madera y pintura automotriz. 220 x 80 cm Courtesy/cortesía: Josée Bienvenu Gallery, New York

In May 2008, Josée Bienvenu Gallery presented artist Darío Escobar ́s exhibition, ́Play Offs ́. In his first solo show in this New York gallery, the artist featured a series of works reviewing the sculptural operations which have been emblematic in his trajectory over the past ten years.

By Rosina Cazali

Darío Escobar

By Rosina Cazali

In May 2008, Josée Bienvenu Gallery presented artist Darío Escobar ́s exhibition, ́Play Offs ́. In his first solo show in this New York gallery, the artist featured a series of works reviewing the sculptural operations which have been emblematic in his trajectory over the past ten years.

May 21, 2010
Carlos Rojas: Una visita a sus mundos. 2008. View of the exhbition. Vista de la exposición. Sala de Exposiciones Gas Natural Photography / Fotografía: Carlos Gustavo Suárez Cruz. Courtesy / Cortesía: Museo Nacional de Colombia

At last, eleven years after his passing away, Colombia ́s National Museum dedicated a well-deserved tribute to Carlos Rojas.

By María A Iovino

Carlos Rojas

By María A Iovino

At last, eleven years after his passing away, Colombia ́s National Museum dedicated a well-deserved tribute to Carlos Rojas.

May 21, 2010
Painting of blood, 2008. 58 x 58 in. 147.32 x 147.32 cm. Courtesy/Cortesía: Galería Y, Nueva York.

Under the title Operativo/Raid, Teresa Margolles presented her first solo show in New York, structured as two consecutive exhibitions at Y Gallery, and curated by Cecilia Jurado.

By Blanca de la Torre

Teresa Margolles

By Blanca de la Torre

Under the title Operativo/Raid, Teresa Margolles presented her first solo show in New York, structured as two consecutive exhibitions at Y Gallery, and curated by Cecilia Jurado.

May 21, 2010
View of *The Geometry of Hope: Latin American Abstract Art from the Patricia Phelps de Cisneros Collection, *on exhibit at the Blanton Museum of Art, February 20 - April 22, 2007. Photographer: Rick Hall Vista de la exposición "La geometría de la esperanza: abstracción geométrica latinoamericana de la Colección Patricia Phelps de Cisneros", febrero 20 - abril 22, 2007. Fotografía: Rick Hall.

Gabriel Pérez-Barreiro, the new director of the Colección Patricia Phelps de Cisneros, CPPC, has the merit of breaking the paradigms that inadvertently configure the imaginaries of culture.

By Adriana Herrera

Gabriel Pérez-Barreiro

By Adriana Herrera

Gabriel Pérez-Barreiro, the new director of the Colección Patricia Phelps de Cisneros, CPPC, has the merit of breaking the paradigms that inadvertently configure the imaginaries of culture.

May 21, 2010
Variant, 1973. Acrylic on canvas. 46.41 x 37.05 in. Variante, 1973. Acrílico sobre tela. 119 x 95 cm

A fundamental artificer of the birth of geometric abstract art in Uruguay, painter and sculptor Maria Freire (1917) continues to be one of its select representatives.

By Alicia Haber

María Freire

By Alicia Haber

A fundamental artificer of the birth of geometric abstract art in Uruguay, painter and sculptor Maria Freire (1917) continues to be one of its select representatives.

May 18, 2010
Discontinuity XII, 2007. Oil and mixed media on canvas. 31.2 x 31.2 in Courtesy: Jorge Mara-La Ruche Gallery, Buenos Aires. Discontinuidad XII, 2007. Óleo y técnica mixta sobre tela. 80 x 80 cm. Cortesía: Galería Jorge Mara-La Ruche, Buenos Aires.

Next to nothing. As we enter the Jorge Mara-La Ruche gallery, the white canvases, reinforced by the white walls of the very elegant and extended exhibition room, project an impression of emptiness.

By Alina Tortosa

César Paternosto

By Alina Tortosa

Next to nothing. As we enter the Jorge Mara-La Ruche gallery, the white canvases, reinforced by the white walls of the very elegant and extended exhibition room, project an impression of emptiness.

May 16, 2010
Ellipses, 2002. Wood. 117 x 67.86 x 13.65 in. (detail) Elipses, 2002 (detalle) Madera. 300 x 174 x 35 cm

Minimum Landscapes, The exhibition by Sao Paulo artist Artur Lescher, at Alejandra von Hartz Gallery, is the first solo show by the artist in the USA.

By Cecilia Fajardo-Hill

Artur Lescher

By Cecilia Fajardo-Hill

Minimum Landscapes, The exhibition by Sao Paulo artist Artur Lescher, at Alejandra von Hartz Gallery, is the first solo show by the artist in the USA.

May 16, 2010
Process: de’ Fence, 2006. Drawing. Proceso: de’ Fence, 2006. Dibujo.

Arnaldo Roche Rabell often resorts to several types of models: models considered to define trends and/or essences –internal, Caribbean, European– that establish an intercultural dialogue.

By Michèle Dalmace

Arnaldo Roche-Rabell

By Michèle Dalmace

Arnaldo Roche Rabell often resorts to several types of models: models considered to define trends and/or essences –internal, Caribbean, European– that establish an intercultural dialogue.

May 10, 2010
Camper, 2007. Mixed media on canvas, 35.4 x 70.8 in. Técnica mixta sobre tela, 90 x 180 cm.

Jorge Cabieses ́s oeuvre is one of the most transcendent within the generation that attempts to revamp the ways of seeing and making art in Peru.

By Luis Lama

Jorge Cabieses

By Luis Lama

Jorge Cabieses ́s oeuvre is one of the most transcendent within the generation that attempts to revamp the ways of seeing and making art in Peru.

May 10, 2010
Blue Phase (Klee), 1995. Banknotes, buckram. 20 x 20 in. Courtesy the artist. Fase azul (Klee), 1995. Billetes, tela Buckram, 51 x 51 cm. Cortesía de la artista.

Besides, even when the subject is different, people always paint the same painting. - Andy Warhol. THE Philosophy of Andy Warhol (From A to B and Back Again)

By Daniela Castro

Jac Leirner

By Daniela Castro

Besides, even when the subject is different, people always paint the same painting. - Andy Warhol. THE Philosophy of Andy Warhol (From A to B and Back Again)

May 04, 2010
Flower Ornament Grove, 2007. From the series Buddy Tree. Periférico Caracas /Arte Contemporáneo. Glenda Carvallo Collection. Photo courtesy of the artist. De la serie Buddy Tree. Periférico Caracas /Arte Contemporáneo. Colección Glenda Carvallo. Foto cortesía del artista.

Inscribed within the conceptualist trends on account of his reflexive lineage, geographically and culturally anchored in the contradictions of a Catholic Caribbean America, Héctor Fuenmayor is a Venezuelan artist whose oeuvre is difficult to situate both within local and foreign historiographical frameworks.


Héctor Fuenmayor

Inscribed within the conceptualist trends on account of his reflexive lineage, geographically and culturally anchored in the contradictions of a Catholic Caribbean America, Héctor Fuenmayor is a Venezuelan artist whose oeuvre is difficult to situate both within local and foreign historiographical frameworks.

May 04, 2010
In collaboration with Carter Ratcliff, Portrait of the Poet Carter Ratcliff, solid paint head with projection of the video The Anatomy Lesson explaining the work’s interior, acrylic paint and video, 26 x 26 x 26 in., 1998-2005. Courtesy Alejandra Von Hartz, Miami, and Henrique Faría Fine Art, New York En colaboración con Carter Ratcliff, Retrato del poeta Carter Ratcliff, cabeza de pintura maciza con proyección del video La lección de anatomía que explica el interior de la obra, acrílico y video, 66 x 66 x 66 cm., 1998-2005. Cortesía Alejandra Von Hartz, Miami, y Henrique Faría Fine Art, Nueva York

John Perreault: “At the end of the 1960s, when we were part of a group which included Scott Burton and Vito Acconci, among others, it seemed that your forte was to invent a basic innovation and, based on it and on the “ism” it generated, begin to construct your work. ¿Do you still believe that is what must be done?”
EC: “Yes”(1)

By María José Herrera

Eduardo Costa

By María José Herrera

John Perreault: “At the end of the 1960s, when we were part of a group which included Scott Burton and Vito Acconci, among others, it seemed that your forte was to invent a basic innovation and, based on it and on the “ism” it generated, begin to construct your work. ¿Do you still believe that is what must be done?”
EC: “Yes”(1)

May 04, 2010
Shibboleth, 2007. Installation, Turbine Hall, Tate Modern, London. Courtesy Tate Modern, London. Shibboleth, 2007. Instalación, Turbine Hall, Tate Modern, Londres. Cortesía Tate Modern, Londres.

Aprofound humanist concern underlies the work of Colombian artist Doris Salcedo. Shibboleth, her most recent work exhibited at the Turbine Hall in London between October 2007 and April 2008, reiterates this concern. As the artist states, this work makes reference to the deep divisions that prevail in the present-day world.

By María Margarita Malagón-Kurka

Doris Salcedo

By María Margarita Malagón-Kurka

Aprofound humanist concern underlies the work of Colombian artist Doris Salcedo. Shibboleth, her most recent work exhibited at the Turbine Hall in London between October 2007 and April 2008, reiterates this concern. As the artist states, this work makes reference to the deep divisions that prevail in the present-day world.

May 02, 2010
Biopus Sensible, 2007. Interactive installation, 4 ́11” x 7 ́10” x 3 ́11” / Instalación interactiva, 1,50 x 2,40 x 1,20 m. Courtesy/Cortesía Grupo Proyecto Biopus

The panorama of contemporary visual art, in full evolution, is forever presenting us with work that goes beyond the limits we know.

By Alina Tortosa

Grupo Proyecto Biopus

By Alina Tortosa

The panorama of contemporary visual art, in full evolution, is forever presenting us with work that goes beyond the limits we know.

May 02, 2010
Dancer, 1999. Drill, metal and silver dancer, 13.8 x 7.8 x 3.9 in., approx. Tate Gallery Collection, London. Courtesy of the artist. Bailarina, 1999. Taladro, metal y bailarina de plata, 35 x 20 x 10 cm. aproximadamente. Colección Tate Gallery, Londres. Cortesía de la artista.
By Joaquín Rodríguez del Paso

Priscilla Monge

By Joaquín Rodríguez del Paso
April 29, 2010
La visita / The Visit, 2007. Rug made from coca leaves, object, light and sound/ Manto de hojas de coca, objeto, luz y sonido.

Miguel Ángel Rojas invents ways of doing that go beyond “the academic”.

By Natalia Gutiérrez

Miguel Ángel Rojas

By Natalia Gutiérrez

Miguel Ángel Rojas invents ways of doing that go beyond “the academic”.

April 29, 2010
Ars Combinatoria, 2005. Installation. Tapestry composed by multicolored domino bones. Sylvacane Abbey, Aix-en- Provence, France. Variable dimensions. Courtesy Nara Roesler Gallery, Sao Paulo. Tapete instalatorio elaborado con piezas de dominó multicolores, Abadía de Sylvacane, Aix-en- Provence, Francia. Medidas variables. Gentileza Galería Nara Roesler, San Pablo.

A post-culture situation like the one we are experiencing at present is the breeding ground that unveils and highlights particularities and singularities, questioning de facto hegemonies – including contemporary artistic practice itself.

By Claudia Laudanno

José Patrício

By Claudia Laudanno

A post-culture situation like the one we are experiencing at present is the breeding ground that unveils and highlights particularities and singularities, questioning de facto hegemonies – including contemporary artistic practice itself.

April 29, 2010
# 39 BF5, from the series Boy and Dwarf / # 39 BF5, de la serie Niño y Enano, 2006. Collage, mixed media on paper. 98 1/2 x 48 1/2 in. Courtesy of Sikkema Jenkins & Co. Collage, técnica mixta sobre papel, 250 x 123 cm. Cortesía de Sikkema Jenkins & Co.

Last year I proposed a reading of Arturo Herrera’s output that counters previous interpretations. That first text steps back from other writers’ psychoanalytic treatment of Herrera’s tendency to fragment the silhouettes of cartoon figures and reinscribe them in a both gestural and serialized mode of abstraction.

By Juan Ledezma

Arturo Herrera

By Juan Ledezma

Last year I proposed a reading of Arturo Herrera’s output that counters previous interpretations. That first text steps back from other writers’ psychoanalytic treatment of Herrera’s tendency to fragment the silhouettes of cartoon figures and reinscribe them in a both gestural and serialized mode of abstraction.

April 29, 2010
Sagrada familia/ The Holy Family, 2007. Wood overlaid with plastic laminate/Madera revestida en fórmica. Photograph/Foto: Juanjo Velandia.

First space for socialization, the table is where children learn to share and adults make a cult of conversation.

By Victoria Verlichak

Silvana Lacarra

By Victoria Verlichak

First space for socialization, the table is where children learn to share and adults make a cult of conversation.

April 29, 2010