By María Galarza | August 09, 2024

Pinta Sud | ASU 2024 presented at the Casa Mayor gallery the exhibition Warm Heart, with works by the Paraguayan artist Feliciano Centurión. It is a collection of works from different periods of his career and is curated by Irene Gelfman.


The exhibition immerses the viewer in Feliciano Centurión's intimate universe, a space where the personal and the aesthetic meet and establish a dialogue. As a sort of map of the artist's emotional and affective experiences, Corazón Tibio displays works ranging from his well-known embroidered blankets to his paintings and sculptures. The documentary Abrazo Íntimo / Al natural, directed by Mon Ross, which portrays the artist's life during his stay in Buenos Aires in the 80s and 90s, is also on display.


Centurión's personal story is not told in a linear sequence, but unfolds in fragments that the viewer must piece together and reinterpret. The works, impregnated with memories, emotions and references to his life in Paraguay and Argentina, speak to us of an identity built from displacements, losses and reunions.


The popular, the day-to-day, the pain, the intimate, as well as love: all themes that resonate when looking at Feliciano Centurión's work. And he achieves this through the subtleties in the figures of his embroideries or the materials he uses in his sculptures that result in tender and powerful creatures.


The exhibition in the framework of Pinta Sud | ASU 2024 celebrates his legacy as an artist, where memory and affection are the guiding threads to leave a precedent of a rich and complex artistic identity.

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